Levosalbutamol, Ambroxol And Guaiphenesin Syrup

SKU: 7efecffc10ed-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-3-1-4 Category:


Levosalbutamol, Ambroxol And Guaiphenesin Syrup is effective for treating cough that is related to mucus. Coughing, which can be dry or with mucus, is the act aimed at removing irritating substances (inhaled allergens, mucus, smoke, etc. ) from the airways and preventing infection.  

There are two types of coughs: dry cough and chesty cough are some of the common symptoms of this infection. A dry cough is usually scratchy and there is no danger of bringing up thick, green or yellow evil phlegm, while a chesty cough (wet cough) produces thick disagreeable throat matter.  

Levosalbutamol, Ambroxol And Guaiphenesin Syrup is a combination of three active pharmaceutical ingredients, these being Levosalbutamol, Ambroxol, and Guaiphenesin. Levosalbutamol is known to act by relaxing muscles of the airways and by dilating the airways of the lungs. Ambroxol clears the bronchial tubes, windpipe and nose because it loosens the sputum or phlegm which is produced in the lungs.  

Thus, it is useful in bringing up the phlegm easily. Guaiphenesin also makes more space in the airways filled with fluid, decreases the viscosity of the mucus and facilitates its coughing out of the airways. Together it also works to provide relief to the cough. 

Medical Benefits  

  • Levosalbutamol is used to treat bronchial asthma as it helps to broaden airway muscles resulting in ease in breathing.  
  • Ambroxol belongs to Mucolytics which reduces the viscosity and elasticity of the mucus, thereby making it easier for the user to cough out.  
  • Guaiphenesin is an expectorant that facilitates the secretions by adding more fluid into the trachea making the phlegm less thick.  
  • Together, it aid in the relief of coughs associated with phlegm by making it easy to expel from the respiratory system. 

Directions For Use  

  • It is recommended to shake the bottle well before its usage.  
  • This should be used as directed by your doctor or the information that is provided on the label of the product.  


  • Levosalbutamol, Ambroxol And Guaiphenesin Syrup should be protected from direct sunlight.  
  • Store it in a cool, dry area. 
  • Make sure that the syrup is out of reach of children.  


  • Do not take it if you have diabetes, fits, high blood pressure, overactive thyroid, stomach ulcers, phenylketonuria, kidney, liver or heart problems. 
  • This syrup should be used with caution in children if prescribed by a doctor. 
  • Levosalbutamol, Ambroxol And Guaiphenesin Syrup may cause dizziness or drowsiness in some people. Therefore, drive only if you are alert after taking it. 
  • It may interact with antibiotics (erythromycin, doxycycline, cefuroxime, amoxicillin), water pills (furosemide), bronchodilators (albuterol, formoterol, vilanterol), anti-sickness drug (ondansetron), steroids (prednisone, budesonide). Consult a doctor before taking it. 
  • Avoid or limit the intake of caffeinated beverages, foods or dietary supplements with this medicine as it may increase the risk of adverse effects.

Side Effects  

  • Drowsiness 
  • Stomach upset 
  • Diarrhoea 
  • Headache 
  • Dizziness

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Is it possible that this syrup has sedating effects?  

However, this syrup also has side effects which may include making you to feel sleepy or dizzy. Of course, not everybody will be like this. If you do, do not drive or operate heavy machinery.  

Can I take this medicine if I am diabetic?  

Diabetic patients should be cautious and ought not to take this drug independently without consulting with the doctor. Make sure to monitor your blood sugar as it might get elevated.  

For how long should I use this composition?  

So take this syrup until the doctor tells you to stop the dosage, or most preferable until the sickness is cured. If you do not feel better from these complaints or if a rash, fever or headache occurs after taking the medication consult a doctor. 

Is it safe to discontinue this medication on your own?  

It is strongly advised that you do not stop this treatment without your doctor’s approval first. If you stop it might even make your cough more severe or develop other symptoms. If you have any issues with the medicine follow your doctor’s prescription on how to take the medicine.