Magaldrate, Simethicone and Oxetacaine Suspension

SKU: 7efecffc10ed-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1-1-3-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-3-1 Category:


Magaldrate, Simethicone and Oxetacaine Suspension belong to a group of antacids, and antiulcerants used to treat acidity, heartburn, gas, and stomach ulcers. The stomach is usually protected from acid by a mucous layer. In some cases, due to excess acid production, the mucous layer gets eroded, which leads to complications like acidity and heartburn. Bloating occurs when the abdomen is filled with gas or air.

Magaldrate, Simethicone and Oxetacaine Suspension is a combination of three drugs: Magaldrate, Simethicone, and Oxetacaine. Magaldrate works by neutralising excess stomach acid. Simethicone works by decreasing gas bubbles’ surface tension, thereby facilitating gas expulsion through flatus or belching (burping). It also prevents the accumulation and formation of gas in the digestive tract. Oxetacaine exerts a numbing effect, thereby providing relief from pain due to ulcers or acidic injury in the stomach.

Medical Benefits

  • This medicine helps with acidity, heartburn, gas, and stomach ulcers.
  • Magaldrate balances out too much stomach acid.
  • Simethicone, also called activated dimethicone, breaks up gas bubbles so they’re easier to get rid of through burping or passing gas. It also stops gas from building up in the digestive system.
  • Oxetacaine numbs the area, which eases pain from ulcers or stomach acidity.

Dirеctions For Usе

  • Rеad thе instructions providеd on thе product labеl or packaging.
  • Takе thе rеcommеndеd dosagе as advisеd by a hеalthcarе profеssional.
  • Takе Magaldrate, Simethicone and Oxetacaine Suspension bеforе mеals.


  • Storе the suspension as per thе instructions provided.
  • Store the medicine in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.


  • Magaldrate, Simethicone and Oxetacaine Suspension should be taken with caution by pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to avoid any health risks.
  • Alcohol intake leads to increased production of stomach acid, thereby increasing acidity and heartburn. So, consult your doctor before its intake.
  • Ask your healthcare provider before consuming as it may interact with anti-hypertensive (ramipril), hormone (levothyroxine), anti-convulsant (phenytoin), and antacids (aluminium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide).
  • If you have a history of appendicitis, blockage of the bowel, rectal bleeding, or kidney problems then take advice from your doctor before taking it.
  • Do not consume it if you have kidney or kidney impairment.

Side Effects

  • Diarrhoea
  • Intestinal pain
  • Constipation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I use this medicine for a long time?

Check with your doctor if you don’t feel better after 14 days of using it. Only continue using this suspension for longer if your doctor tells you to.

Does this suspension give me diarrhoea?

It might give you diarrhoea. If it happens, drink plenty of fluids and eat bland foods. If you see blood in your stool or have severe diarrhoea, see your doctor. Don’t take anti-diarrheal medicine without asking your doctor first.

Can I lie down after eating?

Don’t lie down right after eating to avoid getting heartburn. Elevate your bed by 10-20cm with a pillow so that your head and chest are higher than your waist. This helps prevent acid reflux.

Can I take antacids with this medicine?

Avoid using antacids containing aluminium or magnesium with it. Aluminium antacids can cause constipation and blockages, while magnesium antacids might give you diarrhoea.